Posted: 01/30/2018
Posted by: Association of Print Scholars
Expires: 09/21/2018
San Francisco Center for the Book
Organizer: Hand Bookbinders of California
San Francisco,
CA, United States
09/24/2018 - 09/28/2018
Application due: 09/21/2018
Using collagraph plates in the service of creating an artist's book. Collagraph plates are affordable and easy plates to make in order to create content for an artist book. Participants will design and prepare a variety of plates to begin to learn the many possibilities inherent in collagraphs. Incorporate materials to create tonalities and textures, use cutting tools for lines and shapes - integrating all in the service of making a plate(s) that will be used for making prints. A good reason for choosing this medium is the versatility of the plates, which can be printed both intaglio and relief simultaneously – additionally we will explore the use of inks, brayers, colors, papers, etc. and the many variations of prints one plate can yield. The class will cover the history and background of collagraphs with examples of prints and artists' books where collagraph plates were used to create the works. After working many years with etchings and the many chemicals associated with printmaking, I found that collagraphs gave me the desired richness I was looking for in a print, and the ability to continue my work in a safe, non-toxic environment.
Instructor Bio: Maria G. Pisano is a book artist, curator and educator. Her oeuvre, encompassing prints, works on paper and artists' books, are published under the Memory Press imprint. She has exhibited nationally and internationally, in museums and galleries. Ms. Pisano, an adjunct professor, teaches papermaking, printing, book arts and conservation. Additionally, she continuously gives workshops nationally and internationally, such as The Center for Book Arts in New York, Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, OH, Professione Libro in Italy, at Bridwell Library, TX in 2018, other libraries and at her studio.
Instructor Bio: Maria G. Pisano is a book artist, curator and educator. Her oeuvre, encompassing prints, works on paper and artists' books, are published under the Memory Press imprint. She has exhibited nationally and internationally, in museums and galleries. Ms. Pisano, an adjunct professor, teaches papermaking, printing, book arts and conservation. Additionally, she continuously gives workshops nationally and internationally, such as The Center for Book Arts in New York, Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, OH, Professione Libro in Italy, at Bridwell Library, TX in 2018, other libraries and at her studio.