APS is a non-profit organization for print enthusiasts that brings together the diverse community of curators, collectors, academics, graduate students, artists, conservators, critics, independent scholars, and art dealers. APS aims to facilitate dialogue among its members and to encourage innovative print scholarship.

Recent News

Currents 39: LaToya M. Hobbs, Carving Out Time

Nikki Otten.
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI, United States. 09/06/2024- 01/05/2025.
Exhibiting artist(s): LaToya M. Hobbs.

Artist Talk: Tanekeya Word

Tanekeya Word
Milwaukee Art Museum
Milwaukee, WI, United States
09/26/2024, 6:15-7:45pm

Book: “Goya’s Caprichos in Nineteenth-Century France. Politics of the Grotesque”, by Paula Fayos-Pérez

Goya, Delacroix, Daumier, J. J. Grandville, Book: “Goya’s Caprichos in Nineteenth-Century France. Politics of the Grotesque”, by Paula Fayos-Pérez (2024), Book (hardcover), 17.5 × 44 cm, Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica (CEEH).

Recent Scholarship

Ian Herbertson. Prints at the Oriental Club. London: Helion & Company, 2023.
Laurel Garber. "At Work in Print: Cassatt and the “Sentient Hand”." In Mary Cassatt at Work, edited by Laurel Garber and Jennifer Thompson. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Distributed by Yale University Press, 2024: 149-162.