We invite suggestions and contributions to this growing list of online resources for the study and production of prints. Please send all submissions via our online Contact Form.

Friends of APS

Print Fairs

Art on Paper Fair
Baltimore Fine Art Print Fair
Cleveland Fine Print Fair
E/AB Fair
IFPDA Print Fair
INK Miami Fair
London Original Print Fair
Minneapolis Print & Drawing Fair
Multiplied Art Fair
New York Satellite Print Fair
Portland Fine Print Fair
Print Austin
Prints Gone Wild
Salon de l’estampe
San Francisco Fine Print Fair
St. Louis Fine Print, Book & Paper Arts Fair

Exhibition Calendars

Art in Print: Calendar
IFPDA: What’s On
Printmakers Council Member Exhibitions
Printmakers Council Exhibitions


Graphic Arts: Exhibitions, acquisitions, and other highlights from the Graphic Arts Collection, Princeton University Library
PDP @ BMA Tumblr
Orion en aéroplane
Gallica blog, Bibliothèque nationale de France

Museum and Institutional Resources

The Amache Preservation Society Silkscreen Shop
Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University (digitized Japanese prints, in Japanese)
Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University (digitized Japanese illustrated books, in Japanese)
Artstor’s Illustrated Bartsch
The British Museum’s Department of Prints and Drawings
Getty Union List of Artist’s Names
IPCNY Directory of International Print Workshops
Japanese illustrated book collection at Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Timeline of Art History related to Drawings and Prints
MoMA’s What is a Print?
The Rijksmuseum’s Rijksstudio
Smithsonian Libraries Artists’ Books
UCLA’s useful links for Japanese illustrated book research
Ukiyo-e Search
Virtuelles kupferstichkabinett
Waseda University’s useful links for ukiyo-e research (in English)
College Art Association's Fine Art Print Publication Guideline For Artists
Van Gogh Museum online collection
Artist Printmaker/Photographer Research Collection, Museum of Texas Tech University

Technical Resources

Cameo: Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online
David Bull’s World of Woodblock Printing
Engelmann archive of chromolithographic proofs and samples
Graphic Atlas
PrintWiki, the Free Encyclopedia of Print
Specimens of paper with different watermarks, Princeton University
A Technical Dictionary of Printmaking
Works on paper terminology
LEOcode: Leonardo da Vinci's Watermarks

Catalogues Raisonnés

Print Council of America’s print catalogues raisonnés site
Gemini G.E.L. catalogue raisonné
Hans Hartung prints
Louise Bourgeois at MoMA
Tamarind Institute online catalogue raisonné

Print Reference Texts Online

Adam von Bartsch, Le peintre-graveur (1802-1843)
John G. Chapman, The American drawing-book: a manual for the amateur, and basis of study for the professional artist, 1870 (1873 printing)
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 1: Jean-François Millet, Theodore Rousseau, Jules Dupré, J. Barthold Jongkind
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 2: Charles Meryon
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 3: Jean-Auguste-Dominque Ingres and Eugène Delacroix
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 6 - François Rude, Antoine-Louis Barye, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, Auguste Rodin
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 7: Paul Huet
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 9: Edgar Degas
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 10-11: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 12: Gustave Leheutre
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 13: Charles-François Daubigny
Loys Delteil, Le peintre-graveur illustré: (1906-26) vol. 14-15: Francisco Goya
Philip Gilbert Hamerton’s Etching and Etchers (1876)
Philagrafika's Critical Dialogues Bibliography
Gisèle Lambert, Les premières gravures italiennes. Quattrocento-début du cinquecento. Inventaire de la collection du département des Estampes et de la Photographie, Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Frits Lugt, Les marques de collections de Dessins et d’Estampes, Fondation Custodia

Online Exhibitions

Gauguin: Metamorphosis at MoMA
Print/Out at MoMA
German Expressionism: Works from the Collection from MoMA
New to the Collection: Matisse to Bourgeois from MoMA
Wait, Later This Will Be Nothing: Editions by Dieter Roth at MoMA
Abstract Generation: Now in Print at MoMA
Versailles on Paper at the Princeton University Art Museum
The Brilliant Line at the RISD Museum
On the Cutting Edge: Contemporary Japanese Prints from the 50th College Women’s Association of Japan Print Show at the Library of Congress
The Spaulding Collection of Japanese Prints at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Unfinished Print at the National Gallery of Art, Washington
The Russian Avant-Garde Book at MoMA
Japanese prints from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (in Russian, English, and Japanese)
British prints of XVIII-XIX centuries from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (only in Russian)
Russian prints of XVIII-early XIX centuries from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (only in Russian)
German Prints: Albrecht Durer and His Teachers, from the collection of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (in Russian, German, and English)
Our Sense of Place: Exploring Sites in Japan, the United States, and Beyond at the University of Pennsylvania, Department of the History of Art