Call for Papers or Proposals
Posted: 02/27/2018
Posted by: Association of Print Scholars
Expires: 04/13/2018
The Association of Historians of American Art 5th Biennial Symposium (4-6 Oct 2018, St. Paul)
St. Paul,
MN, United States
Abstracts due: 04/13/2018
AHAA invites proposals for presentations on any aspect of North American art, visual/material culture, and architectural history, broadly construed. The goal of this biennial symposium is to represent the most innovative, creative, and rigorous scholarship currently shaping the field. To this end, we encourage a broad range of proposals, reflecting a diversity of both topics and methodological approaches.
Proposals for formal 20-minute papers, workshops, and alternative-format presentations (e.g. pecha kucha, mini-lectures, lightning talks, etc.) will all be considered. Scholars at any stage of their career are welcome to submit proposals for any presentation format. Applicants may submit up to two proposals, provided one of the two proposals is in a non-traditional format.
Conference sessions will be organized around accepted submissions, rather than prescribed themes. Special consideration may be given to papers examining:
● Native American art histories
● North American art histories, including Canadian perspectives, and Latinx/Chicanx art history
● Midwestern art histories, new perspectives on regionalism
● Waterways, rivers, the Mississippi
● Immigrant populations, diaspora, and migration
● “Folk” art, art by “self-taught,” “outsider,” or “outlier” artists
● Material culture, decorative arts, period rooms
● Art, activism, and controversy in all periods of American art
● Critical public history, socially engaged art history, curatorial activism
● Global/local scales of inquiry, geographical approaches to cultural history
● Investigations of affect in the museum and the academy: e.g., empathy, nostalgia, regret, desire
● Papers that peg to Minnesota collecting strengths: Prairie School architecture/Arts and Crafts, Marsden Hartley, Paul Manship, interwar American modernism, studio pottery, WARM, Prince
Please send: (1) a 250-word abstract, (2) a proposed title, (3) a clear indication of presentation format, and (4) a short c.v. of no more than two pages by Friday, April 13, 2018 to Robert Cozzolino, Jennifer Marshall, and Christina Michelon, AHAA Symposium co-chairs at: Inquiries may also be directed to that email address.
Note: Proposals are encouraged from non-members, but all presenters must be AHAA members in good standing at the time of submission and through the symposium. (An annual membership is $35.) Please visit the AHAA membership page on our website for more information about how to join.
Proposals for formal 20-minute papers, workshops, and alternative-format presentations (e.g. pecha kucha, mini-lectures, lightning talks, etc.) will all be considered. Scholars at any stage of their career are welcome to submit proposals for any presentation format. Applicants may submit up to two proposals, provided one of the two proposals is in a non-traditional format.
Conference sessions will be organized around accepted submissions, rather than prescribed themes. Special consideration may be given to papers examining:
● Native American art histories
● North American art histories, including Canadian perspectives, and Latinx/Chicanx art history
● Midwestern art histories, new perspectives on regionalism
● Waterways, rivers, the Mississippi
● Immigrant populations, diaspora, and migration
● “Folk” art, art by “self-taught,” “outsider,” or “outlier” artists
● Material culture, decorative arts, period rooms
● Art, activism, and controversy in all periods of American art
● Critical public history, socially engaged art history, curatorial activism
● Global/local scales of inquiry, geographical approaches to cultural history
● Investigations of affect in the museum and the academy: e.g., empathy, nostalgia, regret, desire
● Papers that peg to Minnesota collecting strengths: Prairie School architecture/Arts and Crafts, Marsden Hartley, Paul Manship, interwar American modernism, studio pottery, WARM, Prince
Please send: (1) a 250-word abstract, (2) a proposed title, (3) a clear indication of presentation format, and (4) a short c.v. of no more than two pages by Friday, April 13, 2018 to Robert Cozzolino, Jennifer Marshall, and Christina Michelon, AHAA Symposium co-chairs at: Inquiries may also be directed to that email address.
Note: Proposals are encouraged from non-members, but all presenters must be AHAA members in good standing at the time of submission and through the symposium. (An annual membership is $35.) Please visit the AHAA membership page on our website for more information about how to join.
Relevant research areas: North America, Renaissance, Baroque, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, Contemporary, Book arts, Collograph, Digital printmaking, Engraving, Etching, Letterpress, Lithography, Monoprinting, Papermaking, Relief printing, Screenprinting