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Variety, Variation, Multiplication in Premodern Art
Magdalena Bushart, Livia Cárdenas, Andreas Huth
Department for Art History, Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Historische Urbanistik, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Abstracts due: 08/01/2022
Conference date: 04/13/2023
Variety, Variation, Multiplication in the art of the 14th to 18th centuries shall be the subject of the seventh conference in the series "Interdependencies. The arts and their techniques". Instead of focusing on the standardising effect of reproduced artworks and printed images (e.g. through the establishment of certain types of images and the standardisation of knowledge), we want to question the variants and their variances arising through printing and moulding processes or further processing. On the one hand, we are interested in the differences between the originals and the repetitions. On the other hand, we want to explore the margin opened up by the respective production process as well as by the possibilities of further handling: How do the products relate to their “prototype” and each other? Do the variances result from intentional interventions or, the production process? What is the function of the medium of transfer? What is the effect of the change in materiality? What forms of further processing can be observed? How can common and singular characteristics of the reproduced works be described? What connects two- and three-dimensional reproductions and how do they differ? And last, but not least: How has the tension between similarity and deviation been received? Did it play a role in the perception of contemporaries or was it ignored?
All those interested in the conference are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 5,000 characters together with a short CV. Please send your proposal by August the 1st, 2022, to: Prof. Dr. Magdalena Bushart ( und Dr. Andreas Huth (
Please visit the link below for more information.
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