APS and print-related panels at RSA 2024
APS is sponsoring a session at the RSA Annual Convention 2024 in Chicago from March 21–23, 2024.
Check out our session as well as other print-related papers and panels (all times below are in CST).
Visit this link for the full conference program.
Prints in Dialogue: Communicative Dynamics between Printmaking and Architecture
Friday, March 22, 2024 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Palmer House Hilton – Madison Room – Third Floor
Organizers: Agnes Maria Kooijman
Chair: Dorothy Limouze (St. Lawrence University)
5:30 PM “Paul Vredeman de Vries’ Hand of Drawing,” Agnes Maria Kooijman
5:50 PM “Re-evaluating the Architectural Prints of Wenzel von Olmütz,” Femke Speelberg (The Met)
6:10 PM “Jacques Callot’s Paper Theatre,” Dr. Kyna Hamill (Boston University)

Print-related sessions and papers
* If we missed a session or a paper, please email info@printscholars.org and we will add it to the list.
Thursday, March 21:
9:20-9:40 AM Session
Claudia Lazzaro, Cornell University. “Antique Models and Distinct Approaches to Originality and Imitation in Bronzino’s and Bandinelli’s All’Antica Portraits.” 9:00-9:20 AM, in panel: All’antica: Antique Reception and the Visual Arts I: Italy and the Mediterranean World.
William Stenhouse, Yeshiva University. “Early Christian Antiquities in Early Modern Print.” 9:20-9:40 AM, in panel: All’antica: Antique Reception and the Visual Arts I: Italy and the Mediterranean World.
Luke Fidler, University of Southern California. “Value under Ground.” 9:40-10:00 AM, in panel: The Early Modern Underground I: Literary and Scientific Imaginings.
2:30-4:00 PM Session
Emily Friedman, Philadelphia Museum of Art. “Scratching the Surface: Mining and Printmaking in Sixteenth-Century Lyon.” 3:10-3:30 PM, in panel: The Early Modern Underground III: Extraction and Transformation
4:30-6:00 PM Session
Emma P. Holter, Temple University. “Bellini in Black and White: Reconsidering the Uffizi Lamentation.” 4:50-5:10 PM, in panel: The Bellini and Their Circle in Renaissance Venice II.
Anne van Oosterwijk, Director of Collection at Musea Brugge. “Noah as Role Model.” 4:50-5:10 PM, in panel: Early Netherlandish Painting: New Interpretations and New Discoveries II.
Liam Benison, University of Verona. “Strategies for the Publication and Concealment of Private Knowledge in Early Modern Maps of ‘Australia’.” 5:30-5:50 PM, in panel: Privacy in Context IV: Engaging the Margins.
Friday, March 22:
8:30-10:00 AM Session
Lauren Robertson, Columbia University. “Framing Rome: The Triumphal Arch and the Proscenium Theater.” 8:30-8:50 AM, in panel: Scenography on the Stage and on the Page in Early Modern Europe.
Patrick Dooling, Universitätsbibliothek Erfurt. “The Illustration of the Fiore di Virtù: A Popular Book in Manuscript and Print.” 8:50-9:10 AM, in panel: An Italian Moral Schoolbook as a Paneuropaic Phenomenon in Education, Art, and Literature.
Braden Lee Scott, Bibliotheca Hertziana—Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte. “All Aqueducts Lead to Rome.” 8:50-9:10 AM, in panel: The Shapes of Water.
Leslie A. Geddes, Tulane University. “Beyond Known Shores in Dudley’s Arcano del Mare.” 9:10-9:30 AM, in panel: The Shapes of Water.
Kristin L. Huffman, Independent Scholar. “Printed Images of Venice and Visual Innovation.” 9:30-9:50 AM, in panel: Spatial Imagination and New Modes of Representation in Early Modern Venice.
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Session
Silvia Tita, Michigan State University. “The Three Continents and the Americas.” 10:30-10:50 AM, in panel: Knowledge of and in the Americas.
Gloria Moorman, University of Manchester. “Dante, Cartography, and the Americas: Visualizing New Worlds in Print.” 11:10-11:30 AM, in panel: Envisioning Dante II: Designing Interpretation.
Bronwen Wilson, UCLA. “Mechanical Mountains, Pyrotechnics, and Prints.” 11:10-11:30 AM, in panel: Parties, Pageantry, and Pomp in the Long Seventeenth Century.
1:30-3:00 PM Session
Panel: Text, Image, and the Embodiment of Antiquity in Early Modern Print
Organizers: Rachel M. Carlisle and Lacy Gillette
Chair: Rachel M. Carlisle
1:30–3:00 PM
Palmer House Hilton–LaSalle 5–Seventh Floor
1:30 PM Daniela D’Eugenio, University of Arkansas. “Text and Images of Antiquity in Early Modern Italian Emblems and Illustrated Proverbs.”
1:50 PM Lacy Gillette, Jacksonville University. “What’s in a Name? Paper Antiquities in Sixteenth-Century Printed Kunstbücher.”
2:10 PM Noah Margulis, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. “Between the Prince and the Printmaker: Stefano della Bella’s Medici Vase and the Ideal Antiquarian.”
3:30-5:00 PM Session
Carolyn Yerkes, Princeton University. “Fugitive Prints: A Huguenot Glassmaker and His Intermediate Etchings.” 3:30-5:00 PM, in panel: Renaissance Intermediality II: The Mobile Sixteenth Century.
Lisa B. Voigt, Yale University. “Tracking Animals and Their Images around the World.” 3:50-4:10 PM, in panel: Mapping Early Modern Global Images.
5:30-7:00 PM Session
APS Panel: Prints in Dialogue: Communicative Dynamics between Printmaking and Architecture
Organizers: Agnes Maria Kooijman
Chair: Dorothy Limouze
5:30–7:00 PM
Palmer House Hilton–Madison Room–Third Floor
5:30 PM Agnes Maria Kooijman, Independent Scholar. “Paul Vredeman de Vries’ Hand of Drawing.”
5:50 PM Femke Speelberg, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. “Re-evaluating the Architectural Prints of Wenzel von Olmütz.”
6:10 PM Kyna Hamill, Boston University. “Jacques Callot’s Paper Theatre.”
Zoe Cope, McGill University. “Polia’s Nightmare: Images of Violence towards the Defiant Female Body in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499).” 5:50-6:10 PM, in panel: Representing Unruly Women: New Approaches to Premodern Gender in the Age of Transfeminism.
Samuel Vitali, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz. “Searching for the New Cort: Marketing Strategies through Reproductive Printmaking in Venetian Painting after Titian.” 5:50-6:10 PM, in panel: After Titian II.
Saturday, March 23:
9:00-10:30 AM Session
Saskia Beranek, Illinois State University. “Making Spaces, Mapping Faces: Power, Gender, and Identity in a 1635 Dutch Map.” 9:40-10:00 AM, in panel: Portraits and Placemaking III: Symbolic Places and the Exercise of Power.
Susan Maxwell, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. “The Power of Emptiness in the Engravings of Martin Schongauer.” 9:40-10:00 AM, in panel: Saintly Associations, Holy Space, and Imaginary Realms in Renaissance Art.
Gwendoline de Muelenaere, UCLouvain. “Early Modern Printed Images Assembled in the Iconographic Collection of Father Charles Chaier, SJ.” 9:40-10:00 AM, in panel: Representation and Devotion in Jesuit Life and Afterlife.
11:00AM-12:30PM Session
Stephanie Inverso, University of Massachusetts Boston. “The Mysterious Map of Hajji Ahmed.” 11:00-11:20 AM, in panel: Travelling, Representing, Remembering.
Victoria Addona, Université de Montréal. “Early Modern Theatre and the Conquest of Nature.” 11:40 AM-12:00PM, in panel: Environment and Economy in the Global Renaissance V.
2:30-4:00 PM Session
Nora Epstein, Newberry Library. “Charting Elsewhere: The Transmission Networks of Devotional Images in Tudor England.” 2:30-2:50 PM, in panel: Parenthetical Darnton.
Erika Mary Boeckeler, “White Animals, White Paper, White Printers.” 2:50-3:10 PM, in panel: Race, Bibliography, and Book History.
Frances Gage, Buffalo State University SUNY. “Annibale Carracci’s Arti di Bologna, Itinerant Tradesmen, Knowledge Networks, and the Travel Imaginary.” 2:50-3:10 PM, in panel: Collecting and Knowledge Production through Travel I.
4:30-6:00 PM Session
Berit Wagner, University of Frankfurt. “Journey and Knowledge in Laurentius Hoffman’s Catalogue of a Complete “Kunst- und Wunderkammer.” 4:50-5:10 PM, in panel: Collecting and Knowledge Production through Travel II.
Maria Ivanova, McGill University. “Visualizing Equivocation: A Printer’s Device as a Dissimulation Tool in Early Modern Kyiv.” 5:10-5:30 PM, in panel: Clandestine Diversities; Dissembling and Dissenting in Early Modern Europe III: Justifying Non-conformity: Ambiguity, Casuistry, Equivocation.
Eugenio M. Olivares Merino, Universidad de Jaén. “Becoming Visible: Thomas More in Sixteenth-Century Portrait Books.” 5:10-5:30 PM, in panel: Thomas More II: Texts and Afterlives of More’s Martyrdom.
Image Caption: Details Left to right: Jacques Callot, 'La Défilé a Pied' (The Parade on Foot), etching 1627, printed by Sebastien Phillips / Details of wooden portals from Paul Vredeman de Vries, 'Verscheyden Schrynwerck’, engraving, Amsterdam 1630, printed by Claes Jansz. Visscher / Wenzel von Olmütz, Elevation of a Gothic Pinnacle with a Hexagonal Plan, engraving, 1490-99.