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Print Studio Technician, Pendleton West Print

The Print Studio Technician oversees the safe and prudent use of the newly expanded Pendleton West Print and papermaking facilities. He or she prepares the studio(s) for printmaking classes, demonstrates proper use of press equipment, tools, and supplies, and provides safety oversight for students working in the print studio(s) off hours. Helps the faculty source specialty materials and supplies, researches and maintains equipment, ensures proper expense reporting. Organizes and maintains print facilities, tools, and related expendables throughout the academic year. Coordinates withs studio faculty, EHS, and LTS staff to reinforce safe operating procedures, maintain MSDS information, and manage hazardous waste in the printmaking area(s).


1) Prepares printmaking studio supplies, inks, chemicals, and equipment. Orders and tracks use of expendables, sees to the proper functioning of press facilities, troubleshoots related digital equipment, including the laser engraver

2) Provides hands-on teaching support for print professor by demonstrating proper use of specialized tools and processes, especially those requiring involving chemicals, inks, solvents, repetitive upper arm movements and/or heavy lifting. Supports working protocols that control/limit exposure to toxins in the printmaking areas.

3) Provides flexible off hours technical advice and safety oversight for students working on assignments off hours in the print studios, including evenings and weekends.

4) Oversees proper safety and clean up procedures and helps maintain the studio facilities in accordance with EHS and other members of the staff. Insures that safe procedures are established, explained and followed by all those utilizing equipment.

5) Facilitates smooth coordination of all printmaking related projects underway in the studios during the academic year.

6) Serves as a working role model in the print studio(s) and assists with some professional printing projects as needed.

BA, BS or BFA with evidence of strong studio experience in printmaking.

Minimum four semesters of printmaking at the undergraduate level and an advanced portfolio.

Skills and Abilities Required:
Experience with copper plate intaglio/etching, stone and photo-plate lithography, screenprint, monotype and relief printing.

Some familiarity with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, photo-polymer platemaking processes and ink-jet printing. Experience with papermaking and laser-engraving desirable.


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