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CFP: MDCCC 1800, No.8: Celebrating Ruskin

The call for papers for the 8th issue of the MDCCC1800 journal is now open.

CELEBRATING RUSKIN! Reconsidering the Venetian Masters of the Renaissance in the 19th century.

At MDCCC1800 we wish to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of English art historian John Ruskin, whose love for the city of Venice was a central theme in the recent exhibition held at Palazzo Ducale in Venice (“John Ruskin. Le pietre di Venezia” 10 March-10 June 2018, curated by Anna Ottani Cavina), as an occasion to reflect on how Venetian artworks and artists of the Renaissance period were viewed in the 19th century. Starting points for this area of research are two recent works: Emma Sdegno’s volume about Tintoretto ("Looking at Tintoretto with John Ruskin", Venezia 2018; in English, French and Italian) and a collective volume on "Tiziano, Canova e la basilica dei Frari nel 19° secolo" (edited by Elena Catra, Isabella Collavizza e Vittorio Pajusco, Treviso 2018). As these and other works show, studies devoted to the 19th century reception of Venetian masters of the Renaissance have the potential to make significant and innovative contributions both to research on single works and artists and to our understanding of cultural history more broadly.

For the forthcoming monographic issue of the Journal we welcome original, unpublished contributions which focus, for instance, on the interest developed in the 19th century for individual artists and architects, or for single works of art and architecture; also relevant are aspects of art criticism and art literature, as well as topics concerning collections or museums, or restoration projects; further, contributors might wish to focus on the role played by artists and artworks in the thought and writings of historians of art and architecture, as well as of intellectuals, artists and architects, active in the 19th century.

A list of suggested topics, by no means exhaustive, includes:
o the 19th century reception of individual artists, architects, artworks;
o the 19th century art market: collections, museum acquisitions, exhibitions and installation projects;
o the function and role of non-specialist publications (tourist guidebooks, brochures, pamphlets, catalogues etc.) in the 19th century;
o the use and role of photography in the 19th century in familiarising the general public with works of art and architecture;
o thinking and teaching about individual masters and works within Art Academies in the 19th century;
o the influence of individual masters and works on the artistic development of 19th century artists and architects.

We welcome submissions for papers in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION | Please submit an abstract concerning the topic you propose with a provisional title and a short autobiography. The abstract should not exceed 3,000 characters (spaces included). Files should be submitted by 2 December 2018 to the Editorial Board. The authors of selected abstracts will receive a reply by the end of the month. The editorial rules concerning the text and any images the author might wish to include are available (in Italian, English and Spanish) via the 'External Link' below.

Papers should be of a length between 20,000 and 40,000 characters. All articles will undergo a double peer review process prior to publication. Articles should be uploaded on the MDCCC1800 platform by 31 March 2019.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address with any queries you might have regarding the application or any further stage of the process.


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