CFP | Color, Journal 18, no. 17 (spring 2024)
This issue of Journal18 aims to consider how the current interest in materiality and the matter of art could be harnessed to alter–enrich, complicate, or challenge–our understanding of the historical functions and social and cultural meanings of color in the long eighteenth century. In what ways may the materialist discussion of color as a substance inflect the account of its ideological and discursive functions? What were the new meanings and effects of color as the physical product and sign of growing global trade networks, colonial and slave economies, and expanding empires? How did colored materials––pigments, dyes, feathers, shells, minerals––serve as tools of hybridity and a means to delineate cultural difference? Can color’s inherent capacity for infinite nuance offer modern art historians alternative lenses onto to the past? We welcome papers that are attuned to color’s mobility, look beyond Western Europe, and decentralize Euro-centric narratives. We are especially interested in papers that consider the broader methodological questions raised by their subject and seek to develop tools to address the urgent issues posed by color.
Issue Editors
Ewa Lajer-Burcharth, Harvard University
Thea Goldring, Harvard University
Proposals for issue #17 Color are now being accepted. Deadline for proposals: April 1, 2023.
To submit a proposal, send an abstract (250 words) and brief biography to the following three addresses:,, and Articles should not exceed 6000 words (including footnotes) and will be due by September 1, 2023. For further details on submission and Journal18 house style, see Information for Authors.
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