Celebrating Print Spring Edition, In Search of Visual Forms
The April edition is centered around an essay on printmaking as phenomenon of thinking, placing matrix and its potential image at the beginning of all things. Through the works of three seasoned artists, the edition explores the possibilities that printmaking as a versatile and open art medium offers in artist’s search for visual forms. We also present a project that demonstrates how adapting a traditional printmaking technique, lithography, may lead to a playful and expressive method of printing sought after in contemporary art practice.
In this issue:
Barbora Kundracikova / Modernist Universalism Revived: Linocut Potraits by Joanna Piech-Kalarus
Jiri Lindovsky on the Technical Mystery and Creative Intelligence / in an interview with Katerina Kyselica
Dorota Folga-Januszewska / Printmaking as a Phenomenon of Thinking
Breda Skrjanec / Alems, Tobacco Leaves and Puppets: Zdenka Golob’s Printmaking Journey
Ewa Budka: The Skin I Have Been Living In
CELEBRATING PRINT is a full-color magazine on fine art print and practice of printmaking in Central and Eastern Europe. Articles, essays and interviews by curators, scholars, and printmaking educators explore modern and contemporary prints across the region. CELEBRATING PRINT was founded as an information platform and invaluable resource for collectors, scholars, and print enthusiasts to explore and learn about Central and Eastern European print culture as well as discover artists and their works as they relate to the region’s tradition and the contemporary global art practice. CELEBRATING PRINT is published by New York-based creative studio KADS New York twice a year, in October and April, as both print and digital editions. Available to purchase or subscribe to at: www.celebratingprint.com.
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