An International Conference hosted by Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library in partnership with LARCA (Laboratoire de recherche sur les cultures anglophones) Université Paris Diderot, and with the generous support of the Terra Foundation for American Art.
Copyright policies had, and continue to have a profound impact on the creation and circulation of creative works. This conference brings together historians of material culture, art, law, and literature to explore the relationship between copyright law and the cultural, economic, and technological factors that transformed the pictorial landscape of the anglophone world in the nineteenth century.
The full conference brochure, and information about registration and fees are available online via the 'External Link' below.
Thursday, March 29
8 am: Registration and Coffee
8:45 am: Introduction
9 am: The Status of Images and the Boundaries of Copyright (Chair: Georgia B. Barnhill)
Isabella Alexander, "The First Copyright Case under the 1735 Engravers’ Act: The Germination of Visual Copyright?"
Simon Stern, "Artistic Copyright and Derivative Rights in Nineteenth-Century England."
Mazie M. Harris, "Photographs and the negatives thereof which shall hereafter be made"
11 am: Originals and Reproductions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Chair: Anne McCauley)
Christopher J. Lukasik, "Neither Copy, Nor Original: The Meanings of Illustration in Nineteenth-Century American Print Culture."
Will Slauter, "Photography, Stenography, and Copyright for News."
2:15 pm: Artists, Entrepreneurs, and Publishers (Chair: Anne Verplanck)
Erika Piola, "The Frame Maker/Picture Dealer: The Hybrid Entrepreneur of the 19th-Century Popular Print Market."
Shannon Perich, "Did Patent Confusion Dim the Ambrotype?"
3:30 pm: Stretching the Print-Based Model of Copyright (Chair: Jessica Silbey)
Stéphanie Delamaire, “Painting as Intellectual Property in 19th-century America.”
Michael Knies, "Honorable Emulation Versus Dishonorable Appropriation: Copying, Piracy, and Copyright in Late 19th Century Typography."
Oren Bracha, "Before a Picture Was Worth a Thousand Words: Ben-Hur in Court.”
5 pm: Reception
Friday, March 30
9 am: Ownership, Appropriation, and Political Sovereignty (Chair: Peter Jaszi)
Nora Slonimsky, "Maps, Borders, and the Image of Geographic Copyright in Early America."
Kathleen Washburn, "Reconsidering 'Native Indian Design': Angel De Cora's Book Art and Illustrations."
Jill Haley, "Protecting the Photograph: New Zealand's Fine Arts Copyright Act 1877."
11 am: Transnational Publishing and Printed Illustrations (Chair: Will Slauter)
Amy Sopcak-Joseph, "Creating a Magazine Worth Buying: Ownership and Attribution of Images and Texts in the Godey’s Lady’s Book, 1830s-1850s."
Sandra M. Szir, "Transculturation in Production Practices and Image Appropriation: Argentina and England, First Half of the Nineteenth Century."
Thomas Smits, "Piracy, Copyright, and the Transnational Trade in Illustrations of the News in the Mid-Nineteenth Century."
2 pm: Privacy, Publicity, and Obsenity (Chair: Jason Hill)
Amy Werbel, "State v. Charles Conroy: New York Photographers' Battle for Free Speech in the Tangled Web of late-19th Century English and American Law."
Jessica Lake, "The Kodak Camera and Privacy v. Copyright: the (Gendered) Fight for Rights in a Photographic Image in Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century America."
3:15 pm: Photographers, the Press, and the Law (Chair: Eva E. Subotnik)
Katherine Mintie, "Photography vs. The Press”: Benjamin J. Falk and the Value of Studio Photography in the Halftone Era."
Barbara Cohen-Stratyner, "Florence Vandamm: Captions, Credits and the 1911 Copyright Act."
4:15: Round table discussion with Georgia B. Barnhill, Peter Jaszi, and Anne McCauley.
5:15: End of the conference.