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Call for Entries: Flight: What Migratory Birds Show Us

Artists are invited to use the power of the multiple to make connections between human and animal ecologies. Participate in an international collaborative printmaking experiment. Our goal is to celebrate the polyphonic: using image, words and sound.

Augurs of the future and messengers, beings of air, land and sea, birds are creatures whose symbolic and actual natures merge, linking us all in powerful ways across the globe. At a time of climate catastrophe, record human population upheavals, and habitat destruction, looking at the forces that shape the lives of migratory birds can help communicate tangible insights into our current situation and how best to move forward.

The first installation is scheduled at the Nine Gallery (in Portland, Oregon, USA) December 2019. Other venues are planned for 2020.

Artists are asked to submit two or more printed impressions that represent a migratory bird from their region. One of your prints will become a template for community members, both children and adults, to augment. Workshops led by scientists and activists will be part of this process.

Mediums accepted are all two-dimensional printed works on paper - lithography, relief printing, stencils, monoprints, digital, rubbings - proofs and ghost prints accepted. Original work ONLY.

Writers can submit a short form response to the theme by filling out the online form. Where possible, we will provide artists and community members a chance to incorporate your words into a bird print, with the proper attribution.

Sound will be incorporated into the installation via QR codes, thanks to renowned ornithologist Donald Kroodsma's interactive book, Listening to a Continent Sing: Birdsong by Bicycle from the Atlantic to the Pacific. People can contribute other content via QR codes.

In the spirit of Mail Art, each print submitted will be part of the collaborative project and will not be returned. Artists will get the final documentation of the project in a digital packet.

Format requirements:
Each bird should have this information on the back of the print or incorporated into the image itself:
+ Your representation of the bird should be the actual size of the bird
+ Common name of the bird and, if possible, scientific name
+ The bird’s migratory circuit - flyway
+ Your connection to this bird and/or to migration
+ Your name and any contact information you choose to add

For more information please contact Rachel Hibbard (Portland State University) at

Note: Exhibition dates will be updated when established.

Please visit the 'External Link' below for more information.

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