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Assistant Professor in Printmaking (tenure-track)

The Department of Art and Art History at The University of Texas at Austin seeks applications for a tenure-track, assistant professor in Printmaking and extended media with an anticipated start date of Fall 2019.

The University of Texas is a flagship, tier-one, research institution, situated in Austin, Texas, a city known for its’ charm, quality of life and active engagement with the arts. Students at The University of Texas at Austin are admitted from a highly competitive and imaginative pool of applicants to the undergraduate and graduate programs. The Studio Art division in the Department of Art and Art History is ranked overall #27 by US News and World Report and #7 in Sculpture. Printmaking is one of the department’s flagship disciplines and features comprehensive facilities in intaglio, lithography, serigraphy, risograph and letterpress.

Applicants must have an active national and/or international exhibition record or comparable achievements in their area of expertise. The Department actively encourages applicants to apply who are versed in traditional print media but who also have a strong interest in non-traditional, experimental, and/or digital processes in their work. An MFA or equivalent is required, and prior teaching experience preferred. Additionally, the department seeks candidates whose research, teaching, or service prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Teaching will be at all levels, from the first-year, core curriculum, to graduate courses with students from all media areas. Research faculty typically teach a 2/2 course load, based on an active research schedule. Service is expected in the form of governance, curricular development and other committee work that is critical to the mission of the Studio Division, College, and University. As a tier one, research institution, The University of Texas at Austin expects this faculty member to actively pursue original research that extends his/her discipline through publication, exhibition, performance, or other venues central to the field. Salary is commensurate with experience.

To apply, please submit the following items:

a letter of interest,
current curriculum vitae,
the names of three professional references (with phone and email contact information),
and documentation of teaching and research/creative output (digital file of 15-20 images of your artwork in Slideroom).
The Department of Art and Art History encourages applications from candidates belonging to groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education, including women, racial and ethnic minorities, the differently-abled, and members of the LGBTQIA community.

Review of applications will begin February 1, 2019, though the position will remain open until filled. Please contact search committee chair John Yancey at with any inquiries about the position. Background check conducted on applicant selected.

For more information, please click on the 'External Link' below.


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