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Deadline: June 30, 2016.

CCP is now offering two distinct competitive residency opportunities:

1. A Professional Development AIR. Artists who teach at colleges, universities and high schools throughout the United States may apply for one-or two-week residencies based on professional funding guidelines at your institution. This opportunity is meant to further individual artistic objectives in printmaking. CCP will match 50 percent of costs to a maximum of $2,500 associated with the AIR. Travel, food and materials are not covered expenses. The deadline for this application is June 30, 2016 for residencies in 2017. There is an application fee of $35. The Grace Ross Shanley Education Fund and other secured funds will provide underwriting for the matching funding.

2. Self-funded Residencies. Experienced printmakers may apply for residencies of one or two weeks by submitting an application and the $35 application fee. Applications are due on June 30, 2016 for residencies in 2017. Residencies will be awarded as space permits, given the applicants preferred schedule.

One of the goals of the CCP’s AIR program, whether Professional Development or Self-funded, is to engage a community of artists in an exchange of ideas and techniques. Artists participating in any of CCP’s residencies will have the opportunity to conduct workshops for CCP artists/members and other artists in the Norwalk and greater New York metropolitan community. Artist talks will be required and will be heavily promoted in social media to ensure a broad audience. An archival print will be due to CCP for editions printed during the residency. CCP will professionally cancel the plate(s) and the artist will retain the plate(s).

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