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Art in Print thematic issue — “Paper Castles”

“Paper Castles” Vol. 6 No. 3
Focusing on the relationship between architecture and print, this issue will consider forms such as paper models, wallpaper and other innovative ways of moving between three dimensions and two. We will also consider book, exhibition and new edition reviews related to this theme.

Proposal deadline: 1 January 2016
Text deadline: 1 July 2016.

Proposals and query letters should be addressed to: Susan Tallman

Art in Print is the premier American journal dedicated to the history and culture of the printed image. Published bimonthly, it considers the social, aesthetic, political and poetic functions of art, and includes writing by an international array of eminent scholars, artists and critics as well as younger writers. Art in Print is a not-for-profit organization, but all writers receive a small honorarium. Please visit our website at for more information.

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