Turning a Curiosity into a Collection:
Mark Baron and Elise Boisanté on Hindu God Prints
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 6:00 PM (EST)
Organizer: Benjamin Levy (Case Western Reserve University)
Participants: Mark Baron and Elise Boisanté

Shri Shri Kalika, c. 1890. Lithograph, Chore Bagan Art Studio, Calcutta. Image courtesy of Mark Baron and Elise Boisanté Collection of Hindu Mythological Prints
More than twenty years ago, Mark Baron and Elise Boisanté took a fortuitous trip to India, where they were struck by a vibrant print culture. From private homes to taxi dashboards and advertisements, they encountered ephemeral prints of Hindu gods imbedded everywhere in daily life and devotional practice. Since then, Mark and Elise have sought to trace the origins of these prints, assembling a world-class collection and establishing themselves as preeminent experts in the field. They have likewise been instrumental in forming collections of devotional Hindu prints in several museums and in bolstering scholarly interest of the works in both India and the U.S.
Join APS Event Coordinator Benjamin Levy as he leads a conversation with Mark and Elise about their collection and the history of Hindu god prints.
Please register for this free virtual event online.
Register Today for access to an exclusive virtual film screening and conversation
Program attendees will have the opportunity to view the documentary Five Faces of Shiva by R.A. Fedde. Following Mark and Elise on one of their trips to India, the film explores the history and symbolism of the prints, including the context of British colonization, rival presses, and dramatic stories of love and war.
Please Note: Upon registering for the event, attendees will receive an exclusive link to view the film in their confirmation email. Registrants of the program will be able to access the documentary using the link provided only from Saturday, April 2 through Saturday, April 9.