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Americas 2018: All Media

Northwest Arts Center announces an open call for artists worldwide to enter work for its upcoming Americas 2018: All Media Exhibition. Works in any medium, traditional or experimental, including photographs, qualify. All works must be original and not measure over 60 inches in any direction. Work must be ready to exhibit, completed within the last two years, and not previously exhibited in an Americas 2000 exhibition. It is preferred that two dimensional work be framed and protected by clear acrylic glazing.

Scott Parsons is an international award-winning artist who has received numerous public art commissions across the United States and Canada. His portfolio includes percent-for-art and private commissions for churches, museums, airports, hospitals, research facilities, university buildings and transportation centers. Parsons’ work has been reviewed in more than 100 publications, including Architectural Record, Sculpture, Art in America, Stained Glass Quarterly, Public Art Review, Leonardo, the European Journal of American Culture, High Performance, and Museum Anthropology. His work has been exhibited in the US, Germany, Italy, and Poland. The artist received his M.F.A. from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and his bachelor’s degree in art from Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota where he now teaches printmaking, architectural art glass, and drawing.

Cash and Purchase Awards: five Merit Awards and one Best of Show. Best of Show earns a solo exhibition in 2019 and an invitation to the Best of the Best exhibit.

Americas 2018: All Media publishes an illustrated catalog. A complimentary copy will be sent to each entrant. Extra copies of the catalog may be purchased for $7.00 per catalog.

APPLICATION – $30/2 entries
Download Prospectus and Application. A maximum of five entries are allowed per artist.

Sales will be encouraged. A 30% commission will be charged on all works sold or purchased . Your entry grants permission to photograph your work and to use your images for promotional or educational purposes only.

Deadline (postmark) for entries 1 Jun 2018
Notification of accepted works 15 July 2018
Receipt of accepted works begins 15 July 2018
Deadline for receipt of works 8 Aug 2018
Exhibition dates 21 Aug to 6 Oct 2018
Return shipping 15 Oct 2018

The Northwest Art Center encourages and promotes artistic and multi-cultural expression with education and outreach through an interdisciplinary regional arts center.

Northwest Art Center
Minot State University
500 University Avenue West
Minot, North Dakota 58707
t: 701-858-3264


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