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The LEOcode Project: A New Research Tool for Leonardo Da Vinci’s Watermarks

The LEOcode Project: A computational approach to enhancing, measuring, comparing, and matching the papers of Leonardo da Vinci through the detailed encoding and visualization of their internal manufactured patterns including watermarks, chain line intervals, and laid line densities. is a working compendium of watermarks in the Codex Arundel, Codex Leicester, and other papers of Leonardo da Vinci and is intended to be a research tool for art historians, conservators, and paper/book historians. The website presents the results of an innovative computational approach to enhance, measure, compare, and match pre-machine-made papers through the detailed encoding and visualization of their internal manufactured patterns including watermarks, chain line intervals, and laid line densities. In addition to identifying papers formed from the exact same mold (moldmates) among Leonardo’s papers, LEOcode provides enhanced photographic images of every available watermarked sheet in the Codex Arundel and the Codex Leicester, as well as free downloadable software for coding and visualizing handmade laid papers.

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Relevant research areas: Western Europe, Renaissance, Papermaking

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