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Book Artist-in-Residence at the Center for Book Arts

The Book Artist-in-Residence awards 3 to 4 residencies per year to artists who have demonstrated a commitment to the book arts as a key component of their artistic practice. Successful applications should show a demonstrated knowledge of the book arts, and include a brief discussion of what you hope to gain from access to the Center’s facilities. Residents will create a finished project over the course of the year, but should also focus on their ongoing exploration of artist's books and book arts as a way to expand their artistic practice.

The purpose of the Book Artist Residency is to fortify the practice of early career artists in the book arts, to provide access to professional equipment, opportunities and space to work, and to strengthen and diversify the community of book artists working within the New York area. This year long residency includes a cash stipend, materials budget, tuition waiver for all courses offered at CBA during the residency period, and 24-hour access to CBA printing and binding studios in Manhattan. Book Artists-in-Residence are expected to actively utilize the studios and to complete an artist project by the end of the residency period to be included in a group exhibition. Additionally, residents are expected to regularly attend public programs at the Center and to participate in quarterly BookTalks. Residents are often provided with opportunities to speak publicly about their work, to collaborate with other artists and poets, and to hold studio visits with visiting curators and artists.

International, national and local book artists are encouraged to apply, however housing is not provided. Those not currently residing in the New York tri-state area should indicate in their statement how they plan to stay in the area for the year-long duration of the residency. On average, Book Artists-in-Residence spend 20-40 hours per week in the studios and use the tuition waiver for 8-10 courses. The residency is not able support collectives or collaborations at this time.

Please visit the 'External Link' below for more information and to apply.
Relevant research areas: North America, Contemporary, Book arts

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