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2019–20 Kala Fellowship Award

For over 30 years, Kala Art Institute has annual awarded artists time, space, and financial support for their work through the Kala Fellowship award. The Kala Fellowship award is an international competition open to artists from the U.S. and around the world. Artists producing innovative work in all mediums including printmaking, digital media, installation art, social practice, photography, and book arts are encouraged to apply. Fellowship Awards are given based on conceptual creativity, originality, and artistic excellence as well as technical knowledge.

In 2019, Kala will award six artists a $3,000 stipend, unlimited access to Kala’s facilities for up to six months, one Kala class, and a culminating show in the Kala Gallery. The award is geared towards supporting artists in completing specific projects or bodies of work that would benefit from Kala’s specialized equipment in printmaking and digital media.

Each Fellowship Award Includes:
-Cash Award: $3,000
-Studio Residency: Up to six months of studio residency at Kala Art Institute with 24/7 access to our communal studio spaces. An individual studio space may be also available depending on proposed projects and schedules.
-Kala Class: One class or tutorial session that will provide training in a chosen area of printmaking and/or digital media
-Exhibition: Each artist selected is included in our annual group exhibition of Fellowship artists. Public programs for artists are also possible and determined on an individual basis with each artist.
-Community: Access to a community and network of approximately 75 artists working at Kala, participation in Kala events, and support of Kala staff.

Please visit the 'External Link' below for more information and to apply.

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