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Anarchism and the Political Art of Les Temps Nouveaux, 1885–1914

This exhibition brings together lithographic prints and related graphic materials donated by key artists of the European avant-garde in support of the anarchist journal Les Temps Nouveaux (The New Times), edited by the writer and activist Jean Grave. Contributors included such famous artists as the Neo-Impressionists Camille Pissarro, Paul Signac and Henri-Edmond Cross.

Organized around the social themes and aspirations that defined the politics of the anarchist movement, the exhibition addresses such timely issues as poor labor conditions, homelessness, cross-border migration, child abuse among the clergy, opposition to war and visions of a coming anarchist utopia.

The Temps Nouveaux artists also publicized their ideals through postcards, brochures and book illustrations, including those designed for working-class children. Thus these artists utilized the graphic arts as media for their avant-garde experimentation, even as they worked to convey their social message to a broad public.

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