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2019 Harvard-Yale Conference in Book History

Inaugurated in 2010, the annual Harvard-Yale Graduate Conference in Book History draws graduate students from across disciplines into a mutual dialogue concerning the History of the Book. All sessions are chaired by relevant faculty from regional institution

9:30–10:00: Coffee & Refreshments, Robinson Lower Library

10:00–10:05: Welcome and Acknowledgments, Robinson Lower Library

10:10–12:10: Panel 1
Religion and the Book (Chair: Peter Stallybrass)
Ievgeniia (Zhenya) Sakal, “The Council of Florence Revisited: Bibliographical Strategies of the Learned Churchmen”
Madeline McMahon, “From Print in the Archive to Printed Archive: Making Sense of Carlo Borromeo’s Acta ecclesiae Mediolanensis (1582)”
Khalil Andani, “The Qur’ān: From Revelation to Book”
Annika Schmeding, “Transcending Books: Publishing and Book Culture among Afghan Sufi Communities”

Modern (Im)Materialities (Chair: Katharina Piechocki)
Pooja Sen, “Oral Histories: Valeria Luiselli, Contemporary Art, and the Writers of Teeth”
Brandon Menke, “Ephemeral Objects: The Author, the Artist, and Sensuous Reaading in the Wake of AIDS”
Emily Kanner, “Marina Tsvetaeva’s Magic Lantern”
Geordie Kenyon Sinclair, “AB+VM: The Love Story in Verse of Two Women in the Gulag”

12:15–13:15: Lunch, Robinson Lower Library

13:15–14:15: Panel 2
Digital Approaches (Chair: Doug Duhaime)
Shiva Mihan, “Digitally Reconstructing a Medieval Persian Manuscript: Bāysunghur’s Rasāyil, Victim of a Dealer’s Greed”
Nicholas Frisch, “A Book of Books: Digitally Mapping Anthologies in Late Ming China (1600– 1644)”

Premodern Information (Chair: Alan Niles)
Alessia Bellusci, “Medieval and Early Modern Hebrew Books of Magic”
Hayley Cotter, “The Admiralty Jurisdiction Debates and Legal Authority in Seventeenth-Century England”

14:15–14:30: Break

14:30–16:00: Panel 3
The Book as Idea (Chair: Rachel Love)
Kyle Conrau-Lewis, “Conrad von Waldhausen and Antiquity: Commentary, Book, Booklet?”
Selin Unluonen, “A Composite Thing: The case of the Khamsa of Shah Tahmasp”
Miriam Kamil, “Ovid’s Invidia and Prudentius’ Vices: Classical Poetry in a Medieval Florilegium”

Manuscript and/or Print (Chair: David Stern)
Loren Waller, “Textual Genealogies and Adoption: Rethinking the Concepts of Manuscript, Authorship, and Legitimacy in Early Modern Japan”
Dana Key, “‘But what is writ by hand we reverence more’: Reconstructing the Education and Moral Life of William Hill, a Leicestershire Yeoman (1574–1658)”
Ishai Alon Mishory, “Threshold of Empire(s): The Soncino Colophon to Elijah Mizrahi’s Sefer Ha-mispar”

16:00–16:30: Closing Remarks and Group Discussion, Robinson Lower Library


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