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Award: $ 7,500 Project Budget, $ 2,500 Housing

Residency Dates: Jan. 22 - Feb. 8, 2018 / Exhibition on view: Feb. 8 - Mar. 8, 2018

The Marlin and Regina Miller Art Gallery at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania requests proposals from artists, crafts-persons, and designers for the production of an original, temporary, site-specific installation for our exhibition space. The artwork will remain on view from February 8 – March 8, 2018. The selected artist (or artist team) will be awarded $7,500. The award must cover all material and labor costs associated with the production of the work, all incidental costs, meals, transportation costs, and all artist fees and honoraria. The university will provide $2,500 stipend for housing one block from the gallery (Main Street Inn) for one artist (or couple) - daily breakfast included. All remaining housing costs for additional artists and/or support personnel must be covered from the $7,500 award. (Alternative housing with a faculty member is available and the housing award can be used toward the stipend, this is negotiable).

A group of Kutztown University students will be available to assist with the physical production of the selected proposal, but take note that their availability and skill set are limited.

Application deadline is end-of-business, Friday July 28, 2017.
Relevant research areas: North America, Contemporary

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