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Artist-in-residence, Ratamo Printmaking and Photography Centre (Finland)

RATAMO Printmaking and Photography Centre welcomes printmakers to apply for a one month residence in October 2017.

What we offer you?
-free accommodation at the guest room
-free working at the printshop (except plates, papers and special materials)
-a grant of 400 € for living and material costs

What we need for your application?
-fulfilled application form
-a working plan
-curriculum vitae
-at least 6 digital images of your works

Applications and inquiries:
The application deadline for the residence will be May 31, 2017. The main selection criteria will be the quality of art and motivation to work in the local artists' community. The name of the selected artist will be published on our website by June 9, 2017. The artist will be informed personally before the date.
Relevant research areas: Western Europe, Contemporary

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