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AHPCS Publication Awards: 2024 Book and Essay Awards announced; next deadline 12/1/24

Two authors received the AHPCS Ewell L. Newman Book Award this year for significant scholarly achievement in the field of American historical prints: Allison M. Stagg, Prints of a New Kind: Political Caricature in the United States, 1789-1828 (Penn State Press, 2023), and Ron Tyler, Texas Lithographs: A Century of History in Images (U-Texas Press, 2023).

Two authors received the new Lois W. Newman Essay Awards: Richard M. Candee, “‘One of the coming artists of America,’ Rollin Caughey, Artist-Illustrator, 1880-1884,” Imprint, Volume 47:1 (Spring 2022), pp. 7-21 and Michael P. Conzen, “Rollin Caughey: County History View Sketcher to Metropolitan Newspaper Artist, 1884-1921,” Imprint, Volume 47:1 (Spring 2022), pp. 22-42.

Having received no submissions of other essays concerned with American historical prints, the committee selected two authors of related articles published in a single issue of Imprint, the AHPCS journal. Other submissions received this year were excellent examples of research and scholarship, however they were not centered on American historical prints. In calling for future submissions, the AHPCS wishes to emphasize that our focus is on American historical prints and their imagery as visual culture, not print culture such as texts and printing history. We acknowledge, however, that our field would benefit from a better synthesis of visual and print culture approaches just as print culture scholars might consider integrating images in their analysis.

New Submissions – Deadline December 1, 2024
The purpose of the book and essay awards is to recognize and encourage outstanding scholarship in the field, as defined in our mission statement: prints depicting or reflecting North American history and culture, made either in America or elsewhere. Original research, fresh assessments, and the fluent synthesis of known material will be taken into account. The emphasis is on quality and on making an outstanding contribution to the subject.
Essays between 3,000 and 10,000 words will be considered. Works should be submitted in published form as a hard copy or digital attachment. The Society’s Newman Award Committee will serve as the jury to evaluate both books and article submissions. Jurors are all AHPCS members and include collectors, curators, and scholars of American prints.
Publications remain eligible from the year of publication through the following year, a period of approximately two years. Once a work has been reviewed by the jury, it will not be considered in a subsequent cycle except in a substantially revised edition. Submissions received by December 1st will be considered for the award announced the following spring.

Contact information
To submit material to the committee for consideration, please mail a copy to: Helena E. Wright, 4628 49th Street NW, Washington, DC 20016.
For additional information, please contact the Committee chair at:
Publishers and authors, please note: if it is possible to provide multiple copies, it would facilitate distribution of the publications among the Committee and speed their work. Please contact the Committee chair for individual addresses. Thank you.

The AHPCS is a non-profit corporation that encourages the collection, preservation, study, and exhibition of prints depicting or reflecting North American history and culture, made either in America or elsewhere. For further information about the Society, please visit the website at . A list of all Newman Book Award winners to date can be found at .

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