2017 William R. Levin Award for Research in the History of Art – $5000
The William R. Levin Award for Research in the History of Art
Thanks to the generosity of William R. Levin, Professor Emeritus at Centre College, Danville, KY, SECAC offers an award of an annual total of $5,000 to one or more art historians who are members of the organization. Dr. Levin has been a member of SECAC since 1987; served on the Board of Directors; published in the scholarly journal The Southeastern College Art Conference Review; received the SECAC Award for Excellence in Scholarly Research and Publication in 2004; and been recognized with two of the organization’s highest honors, the Excellence in Teaching Award and the Exemplary Achievement Award.
Levin endowed this award in 2013 to encourage and recognize research in art history. Applicants may be established scholars or those newer to the field. On a yearly basis, each applicant will propose one project that may be in the planning stage or partially realized. The purpose of the award is to enable completion of the proposed project likely resulting in publication, and to this end funds may be used for travel, supplies, fees, assistance, or other purposes. At its 2013 annual meeting, convened in Greensboro, NC, the Board of Directors of SECAC approved application procedures and deadline as well as the composition of a review committee. The first recipient of the Levin Award was announced at the 2014 meeting in Sarasota, FL. Directions for applying for the 2017 award are below, and the recipient will be named at the 2017 meeting in Columbus, Ohio. Award monies will be available at the conference.
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