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Big Paper: Large Design in the Renaissance

BIG PAPER is a play on the Italian word cartone, the art historical term for a preparatory drawing made on a one-to-one scale to the final work: carta = paper and -one = big. In the Renaissance, these cartoons were made during the production of wall-sized expanses of frescoes, tapestries and stained glass. This public conference explores paper in early modern Europe in terms of its use as sheets, pieces joined together or bound codices; relationships between books, bodies, and architectural space; period notions of “scale” and design; and the ties between drawing, monument, and myth. Thus, we take “big” to mean large in material size, but also in terms of intellectual and artistic possibilities, as well as geographic and imaginative scope.
SPEAKERS: Juliana Barone, Shira Brisman, Tracy Cosgriff, Mari Yoko Hara, Heather Macdonald, Maurizio Michelozzi, Morgan Ng, and Michael Waters
CHAIRS: Claire Farago, Frederic Nolan Clark, Lisa Pon
RSVP by January 17 at

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